Beth Perdue Outland

Senior Consultant

Beth Perdue Headshot
For more than 30 years, Beth’s career and civic engagement have focused on designing experiences and programs that take people from the “A HA” moment to deeper learning and application. Currently, Beth serves as the Vice President of Leadership Indianapolis, an organization dedicated to building a robust pipeline of civic leaders that is multicultural, multigenerational, and collaborative

Fueled by a lifelong passion for the arts, Beth specializes in creating connections across sectors to catalyze personal, professional, and community growth. Before joining The Catalyst Effect team, Beth served as the Vice President for Community Engagement and Strategic Innovation at the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra where she used arts experiences as the centerpiece for learning and practicing universal leadership and team-building concepts.

Beth’s civic leadership roles include serving on the boards of Leadership Indianapolis and Centric and on the steering committees of Spirit and Place, TedX Indianapolis, and the Music Crossroad’s Initiative. Beth is an alumni of the Stanley K. Lacy Leadership Program, class XXVIII, and was granted Creative Renewal Fellowships by the Arts Council of Indianapolis in 2005 and 2013. Beth became a company member of ComedySportz Indianapolis in 2014 where she has performed, coached youth programs, and led corporate workshops applying the skills of improvisation to address business challenges.

Beth and her family are “arts-lifers” and love going to the theatre, museums, and events. While Beth prefers in-person, as companies have adapted to streaming options, she has been excited to experience arts from all over the world. Beth still keeps her hand in the improv world, taking workshops and performing occasionally, and has had the pleasure of sharing the stage with her husband and son at different times over the years. Beth’s family has game night at least once a week, and the competition is almost always friendly. In her quiet time, Beth can be found devouring mystery novels or watching Food Network like she might actually start cooking regularly one day.

The Catalyst Effect speaks to me because it gets right to the heart of how we show up to others regardless of our position or status. The concepts apply to any member of a team or ensemble that strives for alignment toward a larger vision. It is real, relatable, and completely within our ability to practice.